Sustainable Coffee is an Important Goal
Sustainability is a hot topic in the coffee industry. As we learn more about the importance of sustainable practices, many coffee roasters and cafes are making an effort to become more sustainable. But what does sustainability mean? Why is it important? And what can we do to make our coffee production more sustainable? In this blog post, we will explore these questions and discuss some steps that we can take to grow more sustainable coffee.
At the Great Coffee Project, we believe sustainability is key to the future of coffee. That’s why we are committed to sustainable practices in every step of our supply chain, from growing and harvesting to processing, to roasting and brewing.
But what does sustainability mean? The word “sustainability” can be difficult to define because it means different things to different people. For us, sustainable coffee means coffee that is grown and processed using sustainable practices. These practices include reducing our environmental impact, protecting the health of people and animals, and preserving the quality of the land and water.
Why is sustainability important? There are a few reasons why sustainable practices are so important in the coffee industry. First, sustainable farming helps to protect the environment and reduce our impact on the planet. Second, sustainable practices help to improve the lives of farmers by offering them better working conditions. Finally, sustainable coffee is more delicious and better for you than non-sustainable coffee!
So what can we do to make our coffee production more sustainable? Here are a few characteristics we look for in our we take in our sourcing process:
As a coffee company, we are committed to using efficient farming practices that preserve natural resources and maintain a healthy environment for us all. Coffee was traditionally grown under shades of jungle canopies where it received protection from direct sunlight as well as ample rainfall which helped encourage higher yields while also retaining nitrogen - a crucial fertilizer needed in order to sustain life on our planet's limited landmass!
Shade-grown coffee is more expensive to grow, however. This is because part of the land is given over the canopy plants and trees. Because of this farmers can’t grow as many coffee plants. This leads to a smaller harvest and less money for the farmer. Over time, coffee plants were developed that could thrive in full sun and farmers were able to dedicate more of their land to growing coffee plants. This should have been great for everyone.
Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. Because the canopy was gone, many of the birds and animals that helped manage insects and crop-eating pests disappeared. The loss of these predators led to an increase in the population of pests, which caused farmers to use more pesticides and other chemicals. This is a problem that we are committed to tackling. One way to do that is to demonstrate to farmers that we are willing to pay a slightly higher price for shade-grown coffee that is grown without chemicals. Only in this way, can we be sure that sustainable coffee will continue to be available and affordable for all.
At the Great Coffee Project, we are committed to sustainable practices in every step of our supply chain, from growing and harvesting to processing, to roasting and brewing. We believe that sustainable coffee is key to the future of coffee, and we are committed to doing everything we can to make sustainable coffee more accessible and affordable for all.
This is just one example of how sustainable practices can help us protect the environment and improve the lives of coffee farmers. There are many other ways we can make our coffee production more sustainable, and it is important that we consider other ways like:
- Reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
- Recycle coffee waste products instead of disposing of them in landfills.
- Support sustainable coffee vendors
- Develop and use sustainable packaging for coffee and the products we use with it.
Besides buying sustainable coffee, there are a few things that you can do both in your home and at your office (if you still go into one in 2022!) to make sustainable coffee a reality. First, buy sustainable coffee from sustainable roasters and producers who are committed to sustainable practices in every step of their supply chain. The Great Coffee project is the first place you should look! Second, consider using only sustainable ingredients and products in your home or at work such as organic sugar, locally sourced milk and dairy-free alternatives like oatmilk. Finally, invest in coffee equipment that supports a lower environmental impact like reusable coffee pods if you like the convenience of single-serve brewers. Our favorite drip coffee maker has a reusable stainless steel filter. just pop it out, wash it off and it's ready for your next pot. Consider switching from single-serve creamers and sugars to bulk packages. Leave your ideas in the comments!
Conclusion: Sustainability is important and there are many ways we can make coffee production more sustainable. Buying sustainable coffee is a great way to start!
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